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Be sure to register all attendees in order to purchase Raffle Tickets. 

Benefactor of this event is the Capital City Fund, managed by United Way of the Greater Capital Region. The Capital City Fund allows us to hold the Tulip Ball and provides funding for community activities performed by the Tulip Court each year. It is also how we are able to appropriately care for and recognize our Veterans, a matter that is very important to Mayor Sheehan. The Capital City Fund provides Veterans organizations with the means to hold the Veterans and Memorial Day Parades, the Gold Star Families luncheon and honor the resting places of Albany County veterans every Memorial Day. The Fund also provides grants to Albany based nonprofit organizations for innovative programs and services in the areas of community and culture, arts, and education. 

Please include your business or individual name as you would like it to appear on event materials. 

If you have any questions please email   


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