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Guest Tickets
We hope you will attend Apres Ski! It will be a night filled with Silent & Live Auctions, Raffles, Seated Dinner, and Spirits. Please also consider sponsoring a teacher to attend.
Patron Donations
We invite you to join the Honorary Chairs, Carl & Roberta Henrichs by supporting the Patron Campaign. All Patron opportunities are recognized at the event, in the parish bulletin, and in the event program. The top 3 Patron levels include 2 guest tickets, as well. 
Raffle Tickets
Order raffle tickets and have them completed on your behalf. Images of the completed stubs will be emailed to the purchaser (or mailed upon request).

Family Ads
The most popular pages within the event program each year are those containing the Family Ads. We are excited to share that this year's reimagined program will be going digital! With the digital format, you will be able to share the link for viewing with family and friends or use your ad on social media. The format also comes with some fun options to make your family ad even better! 

Click on the image below for more details on the Family Ads.

Guest Tickets

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includes 2 event tickets and 20 Pinnacle Raffle tickets ($700 value)

For patrons and sponsors who receive guest tickets with their contribution, use the discount code provided to you by email to deduct $300 from the Chalet Celebration Package to purchase @ $250.

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Form your own Table of 8!

Patron Opportunities

Monetary Donation

Seating Preference

Raffle Tickets & Family Ads

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Payment Method (please choose an option)

Optional: Save this credit card for use at this event by choosing a guest name in the drop down menu:

Payment total:
Tickets are limited. Your reservation hold will expire after minutes.