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Show your Lancer Pride with this Champion Table sponsorship. Includes a front and center view of the program, auction, and giving.
Sold out

($10,100 tax deductible)

› Oversized table for twelve (12) directly in front of the stage and dance floor

› Specialty food and beverages at your table with extra attention from wait staff

› Specialty signage on dinner table

› Recognition on event signage and printed materials

› Two social media recognition posts (3,000+ followers)

› Invitation to Champions Circle luncheon with Board of Trustees

Sold out

($8,500 tax deductible)

› Table of 10

› Exclusive branding on appetizer napkins

› Exclusive branding at each dinner place setting, 300+ seats

› Branded sign on dinner table

› Recognition on event signage and printed materials

› Two social media recognition posts (3,000+ followers)

› Invitation to Champions Circle luncheon with Board of Trustees

Sold out

($4,400 tax deductible)

› Four (4) tickets

› Exclusive branding on dessert boxes to go home with each guest, 300+ guests

› Exclusive branding at dessert table

› Recognition on event signage and printed materials

› Two social media recognition posts (3,000+ followers)

› Invitation to Champions Circle luncheon with Board of Trustees

Sold out

($6,000 tax deductible)

› Table of 10

› Exclusive branding printed on bid numbers handed to 300+ guests

› Exclusive verbal recognition by auctioneers at start of live auction

› Branded sign on dinner table

› Recognition on event signage and printed materials

› Two social media recognition posts (3,000+ followers)

› Invitation to Champions Circle luncheon with Board of Trustees

Sold out

($4,400 tax deductible)

› Four (4) tickets

› Exclusive recognition with the Watercolor Portrait Artist

› Exclusive branding on portrait to go home with each guest, 300+ guests

› Recognition on event signage and printed materials

› Two social media recognition posts (3,000+ followers)

› Invitation to Champions Circle luncheon with Board of Trustees

Sold out

($4,400 tax deductible)

› Four (4) tickets

› Exclusive branding at each “Selfie Spot” and at the Mirror photobooth location. Includes branding at bottom of photos.

› Recognition on event signage and printed materials

› Two social media recognition posts (3,000+ followers)

› Invitation to Champions Circle luncheon with Board of Trustees

Sold out

($4,400 tax deductible)

› Four (4) tickets

› Exclusive branding with entertainment, The Bay Kings Band

› Exclusive verbal recognition by the band twice during the evening

› Recognition on event signage and printed materials

› Two social media recognition posts (3,000+ followers)

› Invitation to Champions Circle luncheon with Board of Trustees

Sold out

($4,400 tax deductible)

› Four (4) tickets

› Exclusive branding on every parking valet ticket given to each driver

› Exclusive signage at main entrance

› Recognition on event signage and printed materials

› Two social media recognition posts (3,000+ followers)

› Invitation to Champions Circle luncheon with Board of Trustees




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