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Please place your order below.

 All Firearm Kits will include a custom serial number engraving.

 You Need To Enter Your Preferred Serial Number In the Selections Drop-Down Section.

  Serial Numbers Must Be In This Format: NMS##/50FML

NSM = Navy SEAL Museum and will be on all the guns

XX = your preferred 2 digit number, if you have one, between 01 - 50 (only 50 guns will be made)

If you do not have a preferred #, please write "no preference"

FML = the gun OWNER's first, middle and last initials (or just a first and last initial if you prefer) 

We will need the gun owner's initials even if you do not have a preferred #


Orders completed by June 12, 2024 will be presented at a special ceremony:

September 7th at 11:00 AM
at the home of Lorraine and Joe Mayernik

Note: Orders received after June 12, 2024 will be mailed to the FFL Dealer, Tom Myers.


Sold out
Sold out

This Firearm Kit is Sold Out. If you have any questions contact Madhu at 513-604-5020 or

Sold out
Sold out

This Firearm Kit is Sold Out. If you have any questions contact Madhu at 513-604-5020 or


International? Enter 00000


Payment Method (please choose an option)

Optional: Save this credit card for use at this event by choosing a guest name in the drop down menu:

Payment total:
Tickets are limited. Your reservation hold will expire after minutes.