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Thank you for supporting Tide to Table '24 and the Whatcom Working Waterfront Coalition! Select the number of tickets below. You can save your credit card information if desired. Don't forget to register to bid at the auction.  The auction will be opening the week before the event and available on our platform - stay tuned!

Want to help sponsor Tide to Table? Sponsorships are available below! Your support is appreciated, and we value our sponsors and their contributions. Please make sure to email a copy of your logo and a paragraph describing your business to  Additionally - for our Captain and Admiral level sponsors - tickets may be included in the sponsorship. If you'd like to sponsor us via a check payment, please email with your desired level and we'll coordinate with you. Thank you!

Larger sponsorship opportunities are available!  Please email to get more information. 


Sold out
Sold out

Tide to Table '24 is currently fully booked. Please contact to be placed on a waiting list. You'll receive information whether there is an available seat for you one week prior to the event at the latest.

This ticket is for admission to Tide to Table '24 and an amazing seafood buffet, locally sourced and masterfully prepared by Crave Catering. Each seat includes one ticket to the bar.
*Venue only supplies 8-top table rounds. For parties of more than 8, we cannot guarantee seating together.  

For groups of 8- please select the 'Table' Ticket option. If 8 or more, select 'Table' and then this option for the remainder number.
Please indicate preferred seating by last name of ticket purchaser.

Sold out
Sold out

Tide to Table '24 is currently fully booked. Please contact to be placed on a waiting list. You'll receive information whether there is an available seat for you one week prior to the event at the latest.

Bring 8 friends and get table deal to save! This ticket secures an entire table of 8 for admission to Tide to Table '24 and an amazing seafood buffet, locally sourced and masterfully prepared by Crave Catering.*Venue only supplies 8-top table rounds. For parties of more than 8, we cannot guarantee seating together. If more than 8 tickets are desired, select 'Table' ticket, and then the individual ticket option for the remainder number.Please indicate preferred seating by last name of ticket purchaser.




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Payment Method (please choose an option)

Optional: Save this credit card for use at this event by choosing a guest name in the drop down menu:

Payment total:
Tickets are limited. Your reservation hold will expire after minutes.