We invite you to celebrate the 15th Annual Denim & Diamonds Dinner and Auction Gala with Strong Rock Christian School. Our event will be held on Friday, March 14th, 2025, at 5:30 PM.
In years past, our auction proceeds have allowed us to purchase buses, playgrounds, and security improvements. We also have expanded our campus-wide security and technology systems, enhanced our Fine Arts Programs, equipped our Learning Lab and High School Library for success, and assisted in raising money for the construction of our Multiplex building. Last year we partnered with our Patriots Athletic Club in reaching their goal to purchase a new stadium scoreboard with an integrated jumbo video display and full sound system. This year, as our campus is in its eighteenth year, the auction proceeds will be used to continue making improvements and upgrades throughout to maintain buildings and infrastructure. It is because of generous donations from individuals and businesses like yours that we will be able to continue to make these valuable improvements and continue inspiring the next generation for Jesus Christ.
This is an ADULT ONLY event. Childcare will NOT be provided.