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Help us present fabulous epicurean fare! All will receive recogition and two tickets to the gala.
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  • 2 COMP Tickets to the Gala
  • Recognition in Event Marketing Outreach & on Signage

Once your Partnership Registration and Partership Payment has been made, we will reach out to you to confirm your guest names, secure your corporate logo or name display for social media and signage use etc. and discuss how we can best assist you in making your Partnership commitment as effective as possible for you.  In the meantime, please feel free to reach out to Anne Mathis, our school's Chief Stewardship Officer, with any questions you may have, and she will be happy to assist you!  Anne can be reached at or call her directly at 443-994-9065.

Help us ensure memorable signature cocktails! All will receive recogition and two tickets to the gala.
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  • 2 COMP Tickets to the Gala
  • Recognition in Event Marketing Outreach & on Signage

Once your Partnership Registration and Partership Payment has been made, we will reach out to you to confirm your guest names, secure your corporate logo or name display for social media and signage use etc. and discuss how we can best assist you in making your Partnership commitment as effective as possible for you.  In the meantime, please feel free to reach out to Anne Mathis, our school's Chief Stewardship Officer, with any questions you may have, and she will be happy to assist you!  Anne can be reached at or call her directly at 443-994-9065.

Creating party video and print memories for all! All will receive recogition and two tickets to the gala.
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  • 2 COMP Tickets to the Gala
  • Recognition in Event Marketing Outreach & on Signage

Once your Partnership Registration and Partership Payment has been made, we will reach out to you to confirm your guest names, secure your corporate logo or name display for social media and signage use etc. and discuss how we can best assist you in making your Partnership commitment as effective as possible for you.  In the meantime, please feel free to reach out to Anne Mathis, our school's Chief Stewardship Officer, with any questions you may have, and she will be happy to assist you!  Anne can be reached at or call her directly at 443-994-9065.

A 7-piece band! Need we say more! All will receive recogition and two tickets to the gala.
Sold out


  • 2 COMP Tickets to the Gala
  • Recognition in Event Marketing Outreach & on Signage

Once your Partnership Registration and Partership Payment has been made, we will reach out to you to confirm your guest names, secure your corporate logo or name display for social media and signage use etc. and discuss how we can best assist you in making your Partnership commitment as effective as possible for you.  In the meantime, please feel free to reach out to Anne Mathis, our school's Chief Stewardship Officer, with any questions you may have, and she will be happy to assist you!  Anne can be reached at or call her directly at 443-994-9065.

Help us make all that glitters gold, silver, and successful! All will receive recogition and two tickets to the gala.
Sold out


  • 2 COMP Tickets to the Gala
  • Recognition in Event Marketing Outreach & on Signage

Once your Partnership Registration and Partership Payment has been made, we will reach out to you to confirm your guest names, secure your corporate logo or name display for social media and signage use etc. and discuss how we can best assist you in making your Partnership commitment as effective as possible for you.  In the meantime, please feel free to reach out to Anne Mathis, our school's Chief Stewardship Officer, with any questions you may have, and she will be happy to assist you!  Anne can be reached at or call her directly at 443-994-9065.


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