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Celebrating the Diversity of Women - Ticket Page

Event Ticket

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Sold out

We have sold out of the tickets for Celebrating the Diversity of Women 2023! Thank you for your interest and we hope to see you next year!

Thank you so much for your interest in Celebrating the Diversity of Women 2023! This year is bring-a-friend year! That means you get two tickets for the price of one. Join us and bring your spouse, parent, sibling, or friend to share an afternoon with a delicious buffet, an entertaining, educational, and diverse fashion show, and participate in our silent and live auctions. Eat, drink, laugh, and engage with us as we tell the story of the mission of The Living Room and the impact we are making in the lives of women and children in Sonoma County.

Sponsor a Table

Support the Event

Underwrite the cost of a special thank you gift for each one of our models volunteering their time to bring you an entertaining and fun fashion show.
Sold out
The gifts have been underwritten. Thank you for your willingness to support our event.

underwrite the cost of wine during the event
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Underwrite the cost of the venue
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Optional: Save this credit card for use at this event by choosing a guest name in the drop down menu:

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Tickets are limited. Your reservation hold will expire after minutes.