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Registration is now open for Nova Scotia Education Day 2025! Confirm your seat today!

Wednesday, May 7th, 2025

8:00 am - 4:30 pm AST

Cedar Event Centre

1111 Clayton Park Drive, Halifax, NS B3M 1M3

Event Refund Policy

If the event is canceled, all purchases will be refunded in full. Refunds will be issued in full for refund requests received by EMAIL on or before March 31st, 2025. After March 31st, 2025, no refunds will be issued. Registrations are transferable, please EMAIL us with your information and the information of the new attendee.


Sold out

Your generously donated ticket will be offered to a frontline safety worker/first responder who would not be able to afford to attend

Sold out

Free parking is available, AM & PM coffee breaks, snacks and boxed lunch provided.

If you are purchasing more than one ticket, please be sure to add your guests contact information in the fields provided or this information can be added at a later time.

Sold out

Free parking is available, AM & PM coffee breaks, snacks and boxed lunch provided.

Includes seating for 10 at one table. Please enter at least one guest name in the fields provided. Additional guest names can be added at a later time.

Please consider a donation


International? Enter 00000


Payment Method (please choose an option)

Optional: Save this credit card for use at this event by choosing a guest name in the drop down menu:

Payment total:
Tickets are limited. Your reservation hold will expire after minutes.