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Thank you to our generous Family Sponsors!

Anonymous (1 generous family) * Lilian Liu and William Chow 

Jennifer and Marshall Feldman * Camille and Bradley Geddes

Katie and Owen Leary * Tracey and Ben Paull

Summer and Sonny Singh * Michelle and Trevor Wilson



Sold out

This is for two (2) "Reed Rodeo" Gala Tickets with one bidder number. Note: Table of 10 requests are only guaranteed with a Family Sponsorship.

Reed Rodeo ~ "Grab your Boots & Bling" Gala/Auction - Saturday, May 10, 2025, 6 PM, Peacock Clubhouse

Sold out

Travel for two people, to and from the Reed Rodeo at Peacock Gap, in luxury on a Bauer Motorcoach. The buses will depart from Blackies at 5:30pm. To ensure a smooth departure, please plan to arrive in advance. Buses will return to Blackies following the event. Specific details to be sent to all ticket buyers prior to May 10th. Limited number of seats available.

Sold out

This is for one (1) "Reed Rodeo" Gala Ticket with one bidder number. Note: Table of 10 requests are only guaranteed with a Family Sponsorship.

Reed Rodeo ~ "Grab your Boots & Bling" Gala/Auction - Saturday, May 10, 2025, 6 PM, Peacock Clubhouse

Sold out

Travel for one person, to and from the Reed Rodeo at Peacock Gap, in luxury on a Bauer Motorcoach. The buses will depart from Blackies at 5:30pm. To ensure a smooth departure, please plan to arrive in advance. Buses will return to Blackies following the event. Specific details to be sent to all ticket buyers prior to May 10th. Limited number of seats available.

Sold out

Purchase a "Reed Rodeo" ticket for one of our amazing teachers.


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Tickets are limited. Your reservation hold will expire after minutes.