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To expedite your entry at the event, save your credit card information during the ticket purchase process. When buying your tickets, select a guest name from the drop-down menu on the purchasing page. This will allow you to check in automatically and skip the line.

During the event, you can use your credit card to buy auction items, drink tickets, and raffle tickets. Each guest must have a credit card on file for check-in.

Additionally, please provide the names and email addresses of all your guests.


Sold out
Sold out



Exclusive sponsor for the bar
Sold out
We're sorry, but this underwriting opportunity is sold out.
  • Signage featuring name and logo at the gala bar
  • Name and logo listed under "Thanks to our Partners" in the evening's program and on the website for 1 year

Provides underwriting costs for event program and all print materials
Sold out
We're sorry, but this sponsorship level has sold out.
  • Special ad in the event program
  • Name and logo listed under "Thanks to our Partners" in the evening's program and on the website for 1 year

make a donation



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Payment total:
Tickets are limited. Your reservation hold will expire after minutes.