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You're invited!

Join us for a night of Emerald-Isle glamour with drinks, dancing, and 

live and silent auctions benefitting RNE science lab and programs.

| Friday, March 14th at Roswell Historic Hall |

972 Alpharetta Street, Roswell, Georgia 30075

Parking will be available at City Hall with a free shuttle to and from the venue.


Sold out

Guest names are optional--we will reach out to you for a final guest list prior to the event.

This purchase includes:

  • Shuttle to and from City Hall
  • Open bar
  • Cocktail reception 6:30-7

Ticket purchases are non-refundable.

Thank you for your generous support of Roswell North Elementary School science lab and programs!

Sold out
Sold out

Thank you for your interest in the Emerald Gala. All reserved tables are sold out this year, but please note that you can still take part in the silent auction! We look forward to seeing you next year!

Guest names are optional--we will reach out to you for a final guest list prior to the event.

If you're attending with a group, we recommend upgrading to a table for reserved seating for a maximum of 10 guests.

This purchase includes:

  • Reserved premium seating for 10
  • Shuttle to and from City Hall
  • Open bar
  • Cocktail reception 6:30-7

Table purchases are non-refundable.

Thank you for your generous support of Roswell North Elementary School science lab and programs!

Sold out
Sold out

Thank you for your interest in the Emerald Gala. Dr. Conway's table is sold out, but please note that you can still take part in the silent auction! We look forward to seeing you next year!

Guest names are optional--we will reach out to you for a final guest list prior to the event.

Enjoy an evening with Dr. Conway and eight of your friends!

This purchase includes:

  • Reserved premium seating with Dr. Conway for 8
  • Shuttle to and from City Hall
  • Open bar
  • Cocktail reception 6:30-7

Table purchases are non-refundable.

Thank you for your generous support of Roswell North Elementary School science lab and programs!



Help us say thank you to the fabulous Dr. Conway and Ms. Rains by underwriting their costs to attend!
Sold out

To Dr. Conway and Mrs. Rains: THANK YOU for your tireless efforts in support of RNE science lab and programs.

make a donation


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Tickets are limited. Your reservation hold will expire after minutes.