Turning Point's Stepping Out with the Stars

103 - Vote for Erika Riggs

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Attorney Erika A. Riggs is a partner and co-founder of the Disability Law Group.  She graduated from Wayne State University, earning her bachelor's and law degrees.  Erika is a current council member of the State Bar of Michigan Public outreach and Education Committee and Executive Committee member for All-Well Being Services where she enjoys strategizing new and creative ways to increase access to education and end the stigma surrounding mental health.  She has received numerous awards and recognition for her work and advocacy.  Erika conducted client intake at Turning Point as part of her very first legal experience while interning at Lakeshore Legal Aid. "I absolutely adored my time there. Being able to not only advocate for the survivors I met and their children – in drafting PPOs and helping with various legal matters – but also by providing a safe space for them is an experience I will always cherish."