Friendship Heart Gallery & Studio Art Auction

549 - "Colorful Milkyway" by Emily Arcoleo, Elliott Galebach and Nik Ulmer

Auction Items
Current Bid: $335

About the Painting

“Colorful Milkyway” is a 24x36 acrylic on canvas by artists Elliott Galebach, Emily Arcoleo and Nik Ulmer. This collaborative piece was constructed using unconventional tools such as a spatula, sponge dauber, plastic fork, and a dropper to encourage the artists to think outside of the box and demonstrate that art can be made using readily available materials.

About the Heart Artists:

 Elliott, a Heart Artist since November 2015, loves to use watercolors to create a variety of colors. His preferred subject matter is landscapes with animals and draws inspiration from sunsets and cute animals. Elliott enjoys the social activities of the Studio, specifically working with the Instructors to learn new techniques and commenting on fellow Heart Artists’ finished pieces on the Gallery walls. Outside of the Gallery & Studio, Elliott likes to go bowling and watch movies with friends, eat ice cream and spend time with his dog. 

Emily, a Heart Artist since 2018, enjoys creating floral arrangements and animals using watercolors. Emily loves to attend the Studio to see and paint with her fellow Heart Artists. Outside the Gallery & Studio, Emily likes to play games, including Uno and Sorry, go swimming and powerboating. She is happiest with people, cats and dogs

Nik, a Heart Artist since January 2020, likes using red and orange colored pencils to create his artworks; especially landscapes. He is inspired by famous artist Andy Warhol and enjoys seeing his fellow Artists each week as well as their artworks. Outside of the Gallery & Studio, Nik enjoys skateboarding, reading and spending time with his friends and family.