Even in times of economic uncertainty, we each have a deep reserve of generosity, which we can deploy in myriad ways to Make a Difference. You have shown your generosity in all the ways that count - whether it's helping a neighbor, advocating for an issue, sharing a skill, or giving to causes - you have given - and we are here to tell you that every one of those acts of generosity counts!
We don’t usually have a specific ask in our fundraising efforts - We usually just say that your generous donations and support of our fundraisers go to our bottom line. Well - this time we do have a specific ask. After twenty-one years in our East Setauket location - the one property that we own - we are having to replace ALL the rooftop HVAC units - that’s 11 units - at quite a hefty price tag! This is a rather unexpected expense and obviously, one that had not been budgeted for. Your donation and generosity would go a very long way in helping to underwrite the cost of the new Heating and Cooling system, while not impacting our Operating Budget Line items. Can we count on you to keep us Warm in the Winter and Cool in the Summer?
Please, take a moment now to consider how you will choose to Unleash your Generosity and help to make our Together We Give 2024 Year End Campaign a huge success!
Alternatives For Children is a registered 501c3 not-for-profit organization.
Federal ID #112933851
No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.