About the event: Saints Peter and Paul Catholic STEM School welcomes you to our annual Night to Remember Gala. This year's theme is Upon This Rock, in celebration of Saints Peter and Paul community's solid foundation: love and faith in Jesus Christ, the son of the living God. Join us for dinner, live and silent auctions, and merriment.
Saints Peter and Paul School’s motto, Servium, summarizes our mission to form students to live their faith through the service of God and others. Our school recognizes a community member yearly for their commitment to service at our annual Night to Remember Gala. This year we are pleased to present the Serviam Award to Sr. Faustina Deppe O.C.D. (Former School Principal).
Note: This gathering is a private function for members and their guests of Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic STEM School and Parish. Please note that any admission or other charges associated with this event are uniform for all attendees, regardless of alcohol consumption.