TVS Gallery Night 2025

Purchase Tickets & Sponsorships!

March 8, 2025

The 4 Eleven

Drinks  ∙  Appetizers  ∙  Celebration  ∙  Auction  ∙  Art

Platinum Sponsor:


Gold Sponsors:

The Chaney Family

Harper and Tiernan Dunne in support of the Faculty and Staff

The Penny Family

Varghese Summersett

Faculty & Staff Ticket Underwriter:

The Bebee Family

Food Sponsor:

Ben E. Keith, Co.


Gallery Night Co-Chairs 
Julie Harvick & Kristin Hidalgo

TVS Parents' Club President
Susie Ursprung

TVS Staff Liaisons
Gerry Cumpiano & Sunnae Hiler

What is Grants for Greatness?

What is Grants for Greatness?

The auction/gallery night is the Parents’ Club’s largest fundraising event. Proceeds benefit our Grants for Greatness program, as well as providing funding for a multitude of activities and events the Parents’ Club provides for students and parents throughout the school year.

Grants for Greatness is a unique program that enables the TVS Parents’ Club to enrich our students’ experiences through financial grants for special projects. TVS teachers and staff have wonderful ideas to enhance our students’ learning and experiences every day. When these initiatives reach beyond TVS’ annual operating budget, Grants for Greatness assists to turn these ideas into reality.