Event Details



Join us on Friday, March 22nd for our annual gala and auction as we celebrate 123 years of 'supporting family and neighborhood life in South Boston'. 

Our Sponsors

$100 Golden Ticket, $50 Golf & $20 Taylor Swift Raffle Details

'Dodo Ask' Thermometer

SBNH created the Annual Dodo Ask in memory of Joe “Dodo” Nee, to support families, seniors and individuals who find themselves in a difficult situation…who need a little extra help getting by when times are tough –


This is when Dodo did his best work and would ALWAYS find a way to help!


Contributions will allow The Ollie to continue honoring our mission of ‘Supporting Family and Neighborhood Life in South Boston’ -- This year’s ask will also support The Ollie’s Diaper Depot providing thousands of diapers to families and babies.

Auction Bidding, Raffles, 'Dodo' Ask & Preview LIVE Auction

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