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To purchase, GOLDEN RAFFLE CHANCES or bid from home on the Silent Auction, please register in the WELCOME section above.
Thank You to our generous Sponsors!
Join us on Friday, March 31st for our annual gala and auction as we celebrate 122 years of 'supporting family and neighborhood life in South Boston'.
SBNH created the Annual Dodo Ask in memory of Joe “Dodo” Nee, to support families, seniors and individuals who find themselves in a difficult situation…who need a little extra help getting by when times are tough –
This is when Dodo did his best work and would ALWAYS find a way to help!
Contributions will allow The Ollie to continue honoring our mission of ‘Supporting Family and Neighborhood Life in South Boston’ -- This year’s ask will also support The Ollie’s Diaper Depot providing thousands of diapers to families and babies.