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PBS Hawai‘i is the only locally owned, statewide television station in Hawai‘i, serving the Islands since 1965. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization.

We are the sole Hawai‘i member of the trusted Public Broadcasting Service (a PBS community licensee), and the only licensed educational broadcaster in the state.

Essential to our work is knowing the community that we serve. We offer local content and engagement that follow our mind, heart and na‘au (gut). While we enjoy a multimedia approach to technology, it’s very important to us to maintain the human touch in all we do.

PBS Hawai‘i is mostly supported by the community, through the gifts of individuals, families, businesses and charitable foundations. Fifteen percent of our operating budget comes indirectly from the federal government, through the nonprofit Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

What we do is made possible by viewers like you. Please click below to support PBS Hawaiʻi:

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