Enter your phone or email above to participate in the auction.
(use the same email/phone you purchased tickets with if you are attending the event)
Notre Dame School's Lucky Stars Gala will be held on Saturday, March 2, 2024, at Butterfield Country Club from 6:30 pm - 11:00 pm. Cocktail Attire
This year's event will feature a fun casino night with multiple live tables. Purchase your tickets now for a chance to win some fabulous prizes.
A silent auction will feature various great items, including themed class baskets, outings with your favorite teachers, sports tickets, golf, VIP Tickets to the 2024 8th Grade Graduation, Easter Mass Pews, and more!
$5,000.00 Cash Raffle!! Tickets are $25.00 each or 5 for $100. The winner need not be present to win.
Help us reach our FUNDRAISING GOAL OF $200,000.00!
We invite ALL Notre Dame Parishioners, friends, family members, and community members to attend!
All bidding can be done from a mobile phone.
Bidding ends at 10:00 pm on Saturday, March 2.