Event Details

Celebrate the life and times of Marty Brennaman, 

legendary Cincinnati Reds sportscaster! 

Saturday, February 24th 

Cincinnati Music Hall Ballroom, 1241 Elm St

Doors open at 5:30 P.M.

Black Tie Optional 

We are honored to host this event for a true Cincinnati treasure! Marty was known for his opinionated, zealous, and sometimes contentious style, so just imagine what could happen!

Be ready for some zingers, fastballs, home runs, and occasional fouls from our roasters and toasters. We hope you will join us for this fun-filled evening of laughter and memories!

All proceeds will go towards building the Simon L. Leis, Jr. Fitness & Wellness Center on the campus of Madi’s House. Madi’s House is a nonprofit mental health hangout for recovering young adults.