We are proud to host our 21th Annual Charity Golf Tournament. Over the past eleven years, we have distributed over $500,000 raised through our golf tournament to local charities, including St. Vincent de Paul, Andre House, Maggie's Place, Mana's House, Gary Sinise Foundation, and others. Our event is completely organized and run by a dedicated team of volunteers. Our silent auction is made possible by a number of generous local and national businesses, and individuals.
Our event will be held on Monday April 14, 2025 at the Ancala Country Club in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Registering above will allow you to establish a bidder number to participate in our auction and donate EVEN if you are unable to attend our event.
9:30 AM Registration Opens
11:00 AM Tournament Begins
Following completion of the golf tournament, announcement of team and individual awards and live auction
4:00 PM Silent auction ends
If you have any questions about our event or need assistance in registering, sponsorships, or making a donation, please contact the Tournament Chairman, Jaime McWeeny at (602) 571-0178 or email at jtm@mcweenysales.com.