Conserving Eagles Around the World

Can you help us?

The Challenge

Saving the Bald Eagle is one of raptor conservation's greatest success stories. Once on the brink of extinction, researchers, conservationists, and people like you came together to save this iconic bird. It’s proof that we can save eagles. It’s proof that conservation works.

That’s good news because, around the world today, eagles are facing real threats.

Whether it’s an invasive species like Cheatgrass cheating out native habitat in Utah’s West Desert or rapidly developing wind infrastructure in South Africa encroaching, most eagles today face a number of challenges. For some species, those will be existential—unless we do something about it.

The Solution

This year, our team at HawkWatch International is working to save eagles around the globe by:

  • Stabilizing Golden Eagle populations through supplementing their diet in critical habitats during the lean winter months;
  • Uncovering the causes of breeding failure in populations of the Endangered Martial Eagle;
  • Developing research-backed recommendations to protect Golden Eagles from collisions with vehicles as they scavenge for roadkill during the winter;
  • Studying the causes of the decline of one of the world’s rarest eagle, the Critically Endangered Flores-hawk Eagle;
  • And assessing the impact of new and existing wind energy developments on eagles and other large, soaring birds of prey in the Western U.S. and Africa.


Learn More

There is so much more to say about the state of eagles around the world, and how you can help us play a role in their conservation. You can learn more in the two videos below: