The East Elementary PTO invites you to a night of fun and games to raise money for our students and teachers and is our major fundraiser for the 2023-2024 school year. Your ticket includes an Italian Buffet style dinner and non-alcoholic drinks. There will be a cash bar.
The East Elementary Parent-Teacher Organization is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit whose purpose is to enhance the student experience at East Elementary.
We put on activities throughout the school year, which for 2023-2024 includes Chalk the Walk, Movie Night, and the School Dance. We raise money to give to teachers so that they can purchase additional items for their classrooms, and we have in school science programs, and field trips! We host many in-school events to thank our teachers, from the Welcome Luncheon to Teacher Appreciation Week.
We are 100% volunteer run and we are always looking for new ideas and help.
Please email for more information on how you can participate in our efforts and follow us on Facebook for updates.
If you would like to make a donation, click here or text "eastelementary" to phone number 56651. Thank you for supporting our school!
Online bidding for the silent auction is open now and available until 7:30pm on November 3rd!