In the heart of Chula Vista—the neighborhood where our impact began more than 50 years ago—we envision a new center for impact that the community can be part of and proud of.


Founded in 1971, SBCS employs a staff of nearly 500 who help 50,000 children, youth, and families overcome difficult situations and achieve stability each year. Our community depends on us to provide critical services for families in crisis and the need for our work is urgent and growing. 

And today, after 50 years of deepening impact and community investment, we are outgrowing old facilities that no longer meet the needs of our organization or community. 

Simply put: we’ve run out of space. Our capacity to serve additional children, youth, and families in San Diego County is limited because we don’t have enough offices to hire additional staff, counseling rooms to provide therapy for more families, or resident meeting space to nurture the growing interest in community engagement.


With your help, SBCS will build a much-needed central hub for our organization. More than that, SBCS will be able to serve more people, more often. We are seeking community support to help close the $6.3MM funding gap and inspire additional community support. 

Here are two ways you can support the new SBCS Center for Impact:


SBCS is building a Donor Legacy Wall to honor the people who contribute to make this project a reality.

Become part of SBCS history by purchasing a 12"x12" granite tile to be prominently displayed in the main elevator bay just inside the SBCS Center for Impact's main entrance. Tiles are available to purchase for a $2,500 donation - and there is only room for 100 tiles on the Donor Legacy Wall!

Your 12"x12" legacy tile - listing your name or company, made in honor/memory of a loved one, and/or with the positive message of your choosing - can hold up to 10 lines of 23 characters (any letter, number, special character, or space).

Secure your SBCS legacy by purchasing a Donor Legacy Tile here. 


SBCS is seeking principal investors to consider high-level naming opportunities, and all spaces listed below (including floors) are still available. Contact Director of Philanthropic Giving Annie Sawyer at for more information or to schedule a hard-hat tour to view available opportunities in person.


SBCS is building a new 61,000 square foot facility that will serve as the base of operations for all SBCS services and be a welcoming space for residents to receive support and connect meaningfully with SBCS and one another.


Turning left from the main entrance, our Resident Leadership Academy will be a gathering space for civic engagement, where residents can learn, organize, and inspire community action. A Neighborhood Computer Lab with 20 individual work stations will be a comfortable space for community members to search for jobs, apply for services, and work on school projects, and a Teen Center and Tutoring Room will provide young people with a safe space to spend time after school and support to excel in school and thrive.


Turning right from the main entrance, our clinical team will provide behavioral health and family services, with 13 rooms for group and individual therapy and two private rooms to facilitate the only free supervised visitation service in the county for families involved in Family Court Services.

FLOOR TWOhealthy youth & children


From birth, SBCS services ensure that children achieve important developmental milestones and connect families to critical early intervention resources. Programs housed in this suite will help children develop tools to prevent challenges as they grow and build a strong foundation to enter school emotionally and academically ready to learn. 


SBCS applies a strengths-based approach to address the barriers facing youth involved with the juvenile justice system. Programs housed in this suite will help youth recognize and develop their unique strengths, stay in or return to their own homes and schools, and thrive. 


For young people impacted by homelessness and the foster care system, transitioning to adulthood can be especially hard. Programs housed in this suite will provide a meaningful support network and resources including stable housing, career training, and counseling.

FLOOR THREE: supported families


SBCS provides stability for families when they need support the most, and this new building will greatly increase our visibility as a place where families in crisis can come for support. Programs housed in this suite will help families overcome challenging situations, providing short and long term solutions for families facing eviction or housing insecurity; fresh produce and pantry staples for families who might otherwise have to choose between food and rent; domestic violence support services with 24-hour emergency response; and more.


For new parents who lack a strong support system, a caring person to listen and provide guidance can make all the difference. Programs housed in this space will empower parents with support, education, and guidance to create stable home environments, with special services and in-home support available for families involved with or at-risk of involvement with Child Welfare Services.

FLOOR FOUR: strategic impact


The fourth floor will host our administrative leadership team, who support our staff of more than 500 employees and lend decades of experience working with the communities we serve to help SBCS have the greatest impact for children, youth, and families in San Diego County.


This project will expand our capacity to reach 10,000 additional children, youth, and families every year. 

The new SBCS facility will be a beacon of light for families when they need it the most—and the examples above are just a sampling of the services our communities depend on us to provide. With this project, we will bring residents, resources, and comprehensive support services together under one roof in order to better address the needs of our most vulnerable neighbors and build a stronger, more resilient future.

Together, we will:

  • Build a purposeful, community-centered facility;
  • Increase our visibility among families in crisis;
  • Provide relevant, valuable resources for South San Diego residents; and
  • Reach an additional 10,000 children, youth, and families each year.