Discover the benefits of DDMRP concepts with DDBRIX, a fun and engaging way to learn through Legos simulating real-life assembly lines.
Participate in this workshop to gain practical insights, enhance your teamwork and communication skills, and foster innovative thinking in a fun and engaging environment!
When: Thursday, October 31st, 8 AM - 2 PM
Where: Taft, 111 E Wacker Dr
- 8:00 AM: Guest sign-in & Breakfast
- 8:30 AM: General Session & Icebreaker
- 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM: Breakout groups DDBRIX Workshop
You will simulate the management of an end-to-end supply chain, 3 customers, 3 products, 3 regional distribution centers, one hub, one plant, one supplier. How can we satisfy customers when we have a shortage of finished products, & production capacity constraints? How can we optimize transport costs?
- 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM: General Session - Conclusion & Feedback
Special thanks to
- B2WISE and Citwellfor sponsoring and leading this workshop,
- TAFT and Thibault Vieilledent for hosting the workshop,
- our SCM Club Co-chairs Marc Fally, Ceva Logistics; Christophe Bigot, Gebrüder Weiss for their enthusiastic support and leadership