Auction Preview

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Silent Auction Bidding Info

Bid/Info • When you click on Bid/Info for an item, you can look at the item details, view the bidding history, view the starting or current bid, and place a bid.

To place a bid, you can select Fast Bid where the next available bid is placed for you. Once you have selected Fast Bid, you will have a confirmation message popup to confirm your bid. 

You can also select Bid/Set Max and choose the amount you would like to bid or set a max bid for. If you are submitting a higher bid than the current price, or setting a max bid, you will be given a list of the increments to choose from. Simply choose the amount you would like to bid. Once selecting an amount, you will be presented with the option to set a max amount or bid this amount.

After a bid has been submitted, a confirmation banner appears at the top of your screen. A successful bid shows green and gives you information on the status of your bid. An unsuccessful bid shows red and gives you information on the details of the unsuccessful bid.

Heart Icon • Tap the heart icon on any item to add it to your watch list for easy reference later.

Outbid Notifications • If you are outbid, you will get a text message*. You can increase your bid at any time during the auction.

*I already selected "no" or replied "STOP" to the SMS text message alerts, not realizing that I wouldn't receive outbid notices. Can I fix it? Yes! Text "START" to 56651 to begin receiving these once again. Note that we cannot control carrier settings for receiving the code by text. If you continue to not get your code via text, try via email or check with your cell phone provider. Please check your spam for the login code email if you do not see it in your inbox.

Auction Closing • Bidding will close at 7:30pm. ClickBid will determine final winners.

Did I Win? • Once the auction has closed, you can look under Menu > My Items to view everything that you have won/purchased.

Auction & Donation Checkout

Checkout From Your Phone • You can securely checkout from your phone with a credit card. Once you have a checkout available, a red “Pay!” button will appear at the top of your bidding screen. Tap on this button to proceed to checkout. If you have not already put a credit card on file, you will need to do so at this time in order to check out from your phone. Once checked out, you will receive an email confirmation. Within a week of payment, you’ll receive an itemized receipt mailed to you along with any appropriate tax-language. We will also accept checks made payable to Advocates; we cannot accept cash.

Guests at Gala | Pick-Up at Event • For folks joining us in-person, if you want to take your item home with you directly from the event, please find a team member at checkout or see your program book for more info.

Guests at Home | Delivery or Pick-Up • For folks bidding from home, auction items will be mailed or hand-delivered to the winning bidder or be available for pick-up at our office in Framingham. Winners will be contacted if their items need to be picked-up to schedule a time to do so.

What is ClickBid?

ClickBid is an online software for hosting fundraising auctions and donations. ClickBid is a safe and secure website. Advocates has been utilizing ClickBid to support fundraising efforts since 2018.

Contact Us

Diane Newark | | (508) 661-9575

Advocates | 1881 Worcester Road | Framingham, MA 01701