About the Auction
Your favorite VIP racing experiences are back! Bidding opens January 23rd at 10am EST.
Off to the Races online auction to benefit the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance will offer returning and new VIP experiences at some of North America’s most anticipated racing events.
Experience rare opportunities to call riders up in the paddock, witness a race from the announcer’s booth, come face-to-face with some of racing’s great champions at Old Friends, and so much more!
Don’t miss the opportunity to witness these bucket list events!
Bidding ends January 31st at 10pm EST!
Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance is a 501c3 nonprofit that accredits, inspects, and awards grants to approved aftercare organizations to retrain, rehome, and retire Thoroughbreds using industry-wide funding.
The Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance has become the comprehensive solution for Thoroughbred aftercare in North America.
Starting with 21 accredited organizations in 2012, the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance now has 83 accredited organizations in the U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico that operate with the highest standards.
With the rigorous accreditation and inspection process, the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance accreditation seal is recognized as the gold standard in Thoroughbred aftercare.
These 83 organizations operate more than 180 facilities and offer a variety of programs, including equine-assisted services, rehabilitation, retraining, adoption, and sanctuary programs.
The Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance accreditation process has made aftercare organizations stronger and more efficient and has helped them raise more funds and grow responsibly, allowing them to help more horses exiting the racetrack.
Learn more about Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance and our mission here!
Thank you so much to our wonderful sponsors!