2024 Aiken Horse Show Silent Auction

Aiken Horse Show Silent Auction

Welcome to the Hitchcock Woods Foundation Online Auction. 

The proceeds from every item sold will directly benefit the Foundation and our educational mission. The Foundation is dedicated to fostering education and research on the history and resources of the Woods, and engaging current and future generations in its stewardship.

Our goal is to produce enlightening, self-guided walking tours highlighting nature and various environmental, scientific, ecological, and historical aspects for visitors utilizing their mobile devices. 

Please help us share the knowledge and appreciation in our amazing outdoor classroom. 

How To Bid

  1. Go to our organization's landing page (scroll to the top of this page).
  2. Click the "Register Now" button and follow the prompts. If you have already registered proceed to step 3.
  3. Log in by entering in your bidder number (provided after registration), phone number, or email address and tap "GO".
  4. Confirm you are the name listed (a password may be required at this time, it will be the one you made when registering) then hit "Continue".
  5. Once completely logged in, you can browse the items by scrolling. If you are looking for a specific item you can search by item #, keyword or by category. 
  6. To place a bid or find item information tap on the blue "Bid/Info" button. There you can place a fast bid, or set a max bid, and read details about items. 
  7. Tap on MENU > MY ITEMS to view your activity throughout the event.



  • How Do I log In To My Account? Type your phone # or email address in the Welcome! box. Tap GO. You can also tap on the "?" for help. 
  • How do I remove a bid? Right after you place a bid, you have the option to "undo" on the confirmation banner at the top of the screen. Once this banner goes away, you will need to see an event volunteer that is using the butler to remove it. 
  • I already selected "no" or replied "STOP" to the SMS text message alerts, not realizing that I wouldn't receive outbid notices. Can I fix it? Yes! Text "START" to 56651 to begin receiving these once again.
  • How do I place a Max Bid? To place a "max bid", tap on Bid/Info> BID/SET MAX>  select the amount you are willing to spend on the item > SET MAX. The system will bid up to that amount for you automatically. You will be notified via text message if you are outbid on this item.
  • Did I win? Once the auction has closed, you can look under MENU/MY ITEMS to view everything that you have won/purchased. 

Contact Us

For any questions or concerns about the auction please feel free to contact us, we are happy to help. 

Email: info@hitchcockwoods.org    Phone: 803.642.0528