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Join us for The Curley Gala 30 on Saturday, April 12, 2025! 

We look forward to a night of celebration, fun, and bidding high on behalf of the Curley community we love so much!  

  5050 King Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21237


  Cocktail Reception, Premium Open Bar, Gift Viewing 

  Dinner Followed by Verbal Auction 

  $150 per person 

(NEW THIS YEAR- All ticket purchasers will receive a chance win up to $10,000!)

  Black-Tie Optional 

  Catered by Atlantic Catering

  Event is 21 and over

***If there are dietary restriction or need special accommodations, please contact

Mrs. Caroline Palmisano,

or call her directly, 410-485-5000, ext. 211. ***

Archbishop Curley Gala 30

Sold out

If yes, please indicate details below and also email Mrs. Caroline Kogler Palmisano with those any dietary restrictions or special accommodations needed. 

Who will you be sitting with?


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Optional: Save this credit card for use at this event by choosing a guest name in the drop down menu:

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Tickets are limited. Your reservation hold will expire after minutes.